9th BioProScale Symposium 2026
20.04.2026 - 22.04.2026

Luisenstr. 58/59, 10117 Berlin-Mitte, Germany


Scaling Down and Up of Bioprocesses: Process Heterogeneities, Robustness, and Analytics

Save the date: Apr 20-22, 2026, Berlin, Germany

The 9th BioProScale Symposium, a premier international event, will bring together leading experts from research, development, and industrial practice to explore cutting-edge advancements in bioprocessing for pharmaceuticals, food, feed, and renewables. Hosted at the renowned Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus in Berlin, the symposium will take place from April 20–22, 2026 and is expected to welcome over 300 participants from around the world.

Topic 1: Scale Up and Industrial Scale Processes

  • Optimizing bioprocess performance across scales and operational modes
  • Modeling cell and reactor heterogeneities at large scales
  • Evaluating the performance of engineered and synthetic cell factories in large scale operations

Topic 2: Bioprocess Scale Down Models for Heterogeneities

  • Designing scale down models to address process parameter and cell population heterogeneities
  • Developing small-scale simulators for industrial processes
  • Leveraging high-throughput bioprocessing concepts for enhanced scalability

Topic 3: Process-Driven Cell Performance

  • Investigating the dynamics of population heterogeneities during process development
  • Optimizing cell-to-cell and cell-to-bioreactor interactions
  • Exploring advances in microbial co-cultivation for innovative applications

Topic 4: Integrated Bioprocesses

  • Implementing circular economy and sustainability strategies in bioprocessing
  • Advancing bioprocess coupling and continuous operations
  • Integrating upstream and downstream processes across scales for seamless operations

Topic 5: Process Analytical Technologies (PAT) and FAIR Data Management

  • Integrating sensors and data fusion for real-time process monitoring
  • Deploying PAT-based control strategies for bioprocess scale up and scale down
  • Applying FAIR data principles to enhance bioprocess analytics, reproducibility, and collaborative data sharing

The 9th BioProScale Symposium is jointly organized by the Chair of Bioprocess Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin with BioProScale e.V., the Institute for Gärungsgewerbe und Biotechnologie zu Berlin (IfGB), and Bio-PAT e.V. since 2009.

A Call for Papers/Posters will be opened on Sep 1, 2025.

Check also our LinkedIn group for regular updates!


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